Thursday, April 9, 2009

Eccentric Lazyland...

I know I'm weird.
I know you're weird.
There isn't a member of this family who isn't weird.

Here's your proof.
You have Welder blood or you CHOSE to marry a Welder.
I won't ask for a show hands, you know who you are.
I also won't ask which is more weird, that could open up some kind of quantum vortex.

What I will ask is:

What is one weird thing about you that we probably don't know? For those of you who are much to busty to participate, one sentence will do. You don't have to explain your weirdness. Just put it out there. I guess you can explain if you want to though...


  1. That should read "too busy to participate" I could have edited it, but the error was too funny.

  2. My weird thing:

    I am a little obsessed with the idea of post apocalyptic survival. I have several books about this and about surviving a zombie outbreak.

    I am not insane, though, I don't believe zombies will be the walking dead. Most likely they will be infected with gene-altering viruses that make them rage-tarded.

  3. I'm terrified of zombies. All the guys in my dorm are honestly looking forward to the zombie apocalypse because they think shooting the undead will be fun. I think they're completely bonkers.

    My weird thing:

    I am literally physically incapable of getting just one hand or just one foot wet. If I wash a piece of fruit using just one hand, I have to stick the other one under the faucet. When I pick up a cold bottle of water with condensation on it, I have to transfer it to the other hand to assure equal distribution. If I step in a puddle, even if it's muddy, I have to stick the other foot in as well.

    It's the most uncomfortable feeling in the world, sort of akin to an itch you can't scratch, only this renders me incapable of breathing normally. Me, insane? It's a distinct possibility.

  4. I don't have that particular problem, but I know what you mean. It made me think of another weird thing. If I think of doing something,(here comes a TMI example) like "Hey, I just drank a giant jug of water, I'll bet I have to go to the bathroom soon" Just because I thought of it, I have to go. Even if I don't need to go, I can't think of anything else until I've taken care of it. Same with checking the time or locks or making sure the page is still marked in my book...hmmm...that actually sounds a little crazy...I am starting to wonder if I am OCD.

    Also, I can't look at ice that has been in a glass with an acidic drink, it makes my skin crawl.

    ...Or sleep if my toenails are not perfectly smooth.

    ...Or sit and hang out in a restaurant after eating.


  5. Okaaaaay....
    I guess that makes two of us. Elisa, I love talking to you, but maybe email would be easier. I am thinking about killing the blog. Do you think it is worth it to keep it up? It is just starting to feel embarrassing.

  6. Yeesh. Yeah, this is definitely the Sarah and Elisa Show, and fun though it is, emailing would be a lot easier. I hate to admit it but I think you're right, the blob was a bit of a flop.

    Clearly everyone else in the family is just too technologically challenged/lame to keep up with it. Losers.

  7. Okay... It really is sad. Promise me you'll email me now and then!

  8. O.K. I obsess over open cabinets/drawers. If I am sitting on the couch and someone has left something open in the kitchen I have to get up and close it. I'll just keep staring at it until I do. Also, I can't walk on a tile floor with wet when I step out of the shower it has to be on to a rug, towel, or even the dirty clothes I have just taken off will do.

    There it is. Sorry I don't share more often.
