Saturday, April 4, 2009

Two things in the life of Elisa:

1. I took the GRE in English Literature today. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who doesn't want their brain to feel like the gruel Oliver Twist requested a second helping of. Two-hundred and thirty questions, many of which weren't in modern English (we're expected to know Old and Middle English as well, the latter of which is slightly recognizable, the former not so much), which of course irritated me because my speciality is American Lit., none of which was written in anything but modern English. Well. Hawthorne and Melville might be exceptions, but they suck and therefore don't count.

2. After the GRE the roommate and I decided to lay out for three hours. We applied sunscreen (SPF 8, the highest number recognized by any female under the age of twenty-five; we seriously contemplated baby oil but couldn't find any) and proceeded to fall asleep in twenty minute increments (allowing for flip-time, of course). I already had a base tan so I thought, stupidly, that I would be fine. WRONG. My chest, back, lower stomach, and upper thighs (read: "butt") are all horrendously burnt. Do I care? Nope. I'll put on aloe vera to prevent peeling and relish in the joys of having an awesome tan in April. As the comedian Daniel Tosh says, "There's no depth to my shallowness."


  1. Woo hoo for the GRE's being over! Woo hoo for the sunburn! Woo hoo for aloe vera!

    Wait wait. I got carried away. Let me start again...

    Woo hoo for the GRE's being over! Poo Poo for the sunburn! Woo hoo for aloe vera!

    Please wear sunscreen spf 15 for daily spf 30 for sunbathing. You will still eventually tan. Skin cancer is really pretty boring. And you can get it young! You don't want "outside butt cancer," It's a real downer.

    Woo hoo for the GRE's!

    - SLoby the great white whale

  2. Tanning bed gets the job done in half the time and is unfortunately included in my gym membership. Oh the joys of having a job....I'd rather have the free time to lay in the sun back.

  3. I hear the spray-ons work pretty well these days. Save your Skin!!! Seriously, where are the comments from the aunts and mothers about the perils of the Sun. I KNOW some of you have experience with this. I had been given the impression that was the number one past time for a while.

  4. When I was 16, baby oil mixed with iodine was THE tanning application. Now I use 30 or so. Of course, I don't spend much time in the sun. Sarah, why do I need to comment when you're already playing the mom here? ;)

    Another thing: I have practically NO control over what Elisa does!

  5. I'm actually usually pretty careful about sun exposure, believe it or not. I wear SPF 15 on my face every day (Neutrogena sells a face lotion with it already added in, which is handy) and don't lay out with the intent of tanning more than, like, three or four times a year. Honestly, it's more because I enjoy spending the time outside than anything else.

    And I was completely kidding about the baby oil thing. I realize twenty year old girls aren't especially smart about some things, but I'm not THAT dumb.

  6. There is definitely nothing more attractive than that iodine glow! Times have really changed; don't you think? Nowadays, people just use hand sanitizer.

    Is it true that "the thing" used to also be a bandana for a swimsuit top??? (info courtesy of Mary Welder Collins of Huffman, TX)
