Friday, March 20, 2009

Come on people now...

I KNOW you have something to say. You have a day you want to tell us about. Something you heard, maybe? A jerk to rant about. Please post about something! Where's the weekly ranch update Foreman?

I am worried that the combination of "not enough time" and "I don't have anything interesting to say" is conspiring to keep people from posting. I have chronic foot-in-mouth disease, so help me out by posting. Every post you make saves me the embarassment of posting nonsense.



  1. Well. My contributions are going to be primarily of the "oh my God, school is (insert adjective here)" but I'll do my best to add my ha'penny or whatever to the conversation.

    Rants will definitely occur.

  2. No offense, but I was totally taking you for granted. I just assumed you would contribute 'cause your awesome. Anybody else wanna be awesome???

  3. Those who were born with the last name Welder ARE awesome. Just ask them; they'll be happy to tell you all about it.
