Wednesday, March 11, 2009

okay, now, wait a second.

The scoop: There's a guy in my dorm who proposes to me on a daily basis...or at least he used to, until I finally agreed to be engaged to him indefinitely (this is a joke. I repeat, this is a joke. Elisa Welder is NOT getting married any time soon). Here's the thing, though- I told him that one of my requirements is a diamond the size of Zaire, which is of course a product of the genetic predisposition to exaggeration I inherited from my dear father. He (the proposal guy) took it seriously and now says that he's in training to become a world-class diamond thief, since there are no diamonds the size of Zaire and he'll obviously just have to steal enough diamonds to make Zaire. I also told him a bit about the family and he's volunteered to take the last name Welder.

However, he's already been vetoed by DarthMom on the basis of his being a "pink-haired diamond thief" (the hair, in his defense, is a mohawk and is coming off at the end of the week). Mother, what do you mean by this ridiculous hair-ism? If we shunned people from the Welder family based solely on the color of their hair and NOT by the content of their character, Sarah would have been ousted a long time ago. ;)


  1. Who are you kidding? I DID get ousted. I just wormed my way back in by baking pies and children.

  2. Sure, how else would you get them? Their not much to look at raw...

  3. Sarah, you got that right. Elisa wasn't fully baked when she came out; looked a bit weird, really.

    Your diamond thief is willing to take the name Welder?? I've REALLY got to warn him about the dangers of that.

  4. For the record, If I were the diamond-thief, I'd have bought a tiny world map. Then, I'd buy you a diamond the size of the Zaire on the map. Since he didn't think of that, I am pretty sure he doesn't qualify for Welder status. Sorry dude, better luck next time.

  5. Oh, the fun I've missed by having a job.

    GlaDOS, I agree with your statement about the diamond thief. If his goal in life is to steal for a living, why is he wasting money at A&M? Unless he stole the tuition money and is living in Hart to pick up chicks.

  6. Sarah, what a clever girl you are. Do I pass this bit of wisdom along to the diamond thief? I'll have to think on that one.

    I'm starting to think that every guy who lives in Hart is there just to pick up chicks. C'mon, you remember what it's like to be a 20 year old guy!

  7. Not personally, but I HAVE heard terribly unsettling rumors.
