Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rubbing it in a bit...

All you Ags will appreciate this...this is the view I have out of my dorm room window today:

Yankees, go ahead and be jealous that it's a lovely eighty degrees out and I'm wearing a tank top and shorts and have the windows open. :)


  1. niiiice. Does your dorm have air conditioning? Not that you need it in February, but I am just curious.
    We had a pretty weekend here as well, but it's been the first good weather of the year. I don't think this weather has been typical for North Carolina.

  2. Yeah, we have a window unit, which I actually like better because of the noise. We also have a radiator. It leaks. Not cool.

    Where in NC are y'all? I'm looking at grad school in Chapel Hill.

  3. That'd be amazing, especially considering I'll know exactly no one there and it'll definitely make Dad feel better knowing that I have a relative within a fifty-mile radius. He's weird like that.

  4. Unfortunately, for your sake, I am very responsible.

  5. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
    I remember a time when GLaDOS was the picture of youthful angst and rebellion.

    So, e.a., are you wearing your HOOCHIE Shorts?

  6. I never ever was...and I'll kill anyone who says otherwise.

  7. Sorry, memories of you (because, after all, I haven't seen you since you got married) from when I was a kid were pretty rebellious and angsty. Or, at least, your hair was lots of different colors. I have no doubt that you're the picture of responsibility now, though. Fortunately for you I've never been one to need a responsible caretaker.

    And no, UA, I'm NOT wearing my Hoochie shorts. Not in public, at least, although this weekend we will definitely be laying out in Academic Plaza. It's never too early to start working on a good base tan.
